Degree Program After Science Foundation Programme Malaysia.

Degree Program After Science Foundation Programme Malaysia.

Have you wondered what degree programme that you can take after Science Foundation Programme Malaysia. Actually it’s not like you can only be a doctor when you take Science Foundation Programme Malaysia. Do you know that you can take the other degree program after Science Foundation Programme Malaysia. Here are some of the degree programs that you can take after the Science Foundation Programme Malaysia.

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Degree Program After Science Foundation Programme Malaysia.

Biomedical Science

With a strong background in biology and chemistry from a science foundation, you will be well-equipped. Which to tackle the dynamic world of biomedical science, a field that underpins much of modern healthcare. True to your names, biomedical science is the study of the human body. That in order to develop new treatments and therapies for diseases and conditions. Although biomedical science may not be at the forefront of healthcare. The field is still important as its work in research and development complements the work of a physician. Without them, preventing and curing diseases would be almost impossible.



If you’re a fan of biology and chemistry and love scientific experiments, you might find life sciences. The study of living organisms to be one of your favorites , a fascinating field of study. With fields such as biotechnology, biochemistry and food science, life science encompasses a large part of human innovation. Like no other. Vaccines and antibiotics (medical biotechnology) and pest resistant crops (plant biotechnology) are just a few examples of life sciences. The field requires a strong scientific background and this is where a science foundation comes into play. You’ll gain scientific knowledge, but you’ll also be exposed to hands-on experiments. And lab sessions that will benefit you throughout your undergraduate studies and beyond.

Computer Science

You can also get a degree in computer science once you have a science foundation programme Malaysia . As a future field, computer science is the study of computation, automation and information. It is a gateway to many in-demand jobs such as software developers, cybersecurity specialists, application programmers, and network systems engineers. As computing technology grows rapidly, so will its importance and influence in modern society. If you are looking for a future-oriented subject, you have come to the right place.

Mathematical Sciences

A Foundation in Science is not just about science. A good Foundation in Science program will also have plenty of material in Statistics and Mathematics. Which that can lead you to degrees such as Mathematics and Actuarial Science. Deals with Mathematics and its uses in Statistics and Data Science. Mathematical Sciences The field of study plays in many critical industries. Including engineering, computers, and even economics. It’s no surprise, then, that the subject is considered a critical subject. Mathematicians, actuaries and statisticians regularly feature on Malaysia’s list of critical professions. Indicating that there are many opportunities for a graduate in this field.


Nutrition is the study of how the body digests and uses the nutrients in food. And also the relationship between food, health and disease. A field primarily concerned with human health, the role of which should not be underestimated. To obtain a degree in nutrition, it is recommended that you have a solid knowledge of chemistry and biology. As well as general laboratory and scientific skills feature. All of this is covered by a Foundation in Science. That making it the perfect program to complete before earning a degree in nutrition. Studying nutrition can open up a multitude of career opportunities for you. Such as work in wellness centers or in sports and fitness. Shopping centers, nutritional supplement companies and organic restaurants. There are also job opportunities in the media and government agencies.


Engineering is about applying science and mathematics to solve problems and make people’s lives better. A vast and crucial field whose influence spans a variety of industries. Resulting in a multitude of engineering disciplines ranging from chemical, civil and mechanical to mechatronics, biomedical and environmental. Regardless of your chosen discipline, engineering is a great field to invest in. As it regularly features on Malaysia’s critical careers list. A foundation in science or a foundation in engineering is a great stepping stone into engineering. A good background in math, physics and even programming, giving you an easy start to your undergraduate studies.

Jeremiah Carter