Everything You Need To Know About Cirrhosis

Everything You Need To Know About Cirrhosis

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If your doctor diagnoses you with cirrhosis, this implies you have a disorder that gradually replaces your healthy liver with scar tissue. It normally takes place for a length of time due to an illness or alcoholism. While liver damage is typically irreversible, if you are diagnosed early enough, there are a few treatments that can maintain the liver issues under control and you can also take the best liver supplement Malaysia, if recommended by a doctor.

Your liver is the largest organ of your body and is a crucial organ that carries out more than 500important functions.  It helps maintain blood sugar control, control blood clotting, eliminate toxins from the body’s blood flow, and perform hundreds of other crucial tasks. It is in the right abdominal area, below the rib cage.

Your liver strives to heal itself if it suffers injury from disease, too much alcohol, or any other cause. Scar tissue is created during the process. Decompensated cirrhosis is the result of increased scar tissue formation brought on by the progression of cirrhosis, which makes it challenging for the liver to function. Loss of liver cells and permanent liver scarring are two features of the liver disease condition known as cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is frequently brought on by hepatitis B and C viruses and alcohol.

Symptoms of Cirrhosis

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Early cirrhosis frequently has no symptoms. But as scar tissue builds up, it compromises the liver’s capacity for normal function. A person with cirrhosis may first experience symptoms like exhaustion, nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, loss of muscle mass, patches of tiny, red blood capillaries on the skin, and fatigue. When the disease worsens, they might encounter;

  • Infections
  • Itching skin
  • Jaundice (a condition in which the whites of the eyes turn yellow)
  • Severe muscle cramps
  • Urine with a dark colour
  • Bone illness
  • Increased spleen size
  • Swelling brought on by a fluid buildup in the legs and abdomen

Treatment for Cirrhosis

The cause of cirrhosis will determine how it is treated. Although cirrhosis is typically incurable, there are ways to treat the symptoms, prevent complications, and slow the progression of the disease.

  • Lifestyle Changes

If someone is diagnosed with cirrhosis, they will need to change their lifestyle habits to protect their liver. For instance, they should avoid eating undercooked meat and shellfish because they increase the risk of infection. They should also abstain from alcohol, consume less protein, salt, and fat, and control their weight through a healthy diet and exercise.

  • Medications

What caused the liver damage will determine the medication you require. For instance, you might be given antiviral medication if your cirrhosis resulted from chronic viral hepatitis. Diuretics, which are used in conjunction with low-salt nutrition to cut the levels of fluid in the body and help with swelling, medication to aid with high blood pressure in the venous system that supplies blood throughout the body including the liver, and prescription creams to help with itchy skin may be provided to you to relieve the symptoms of cirrhosis.

  • Liver Transplant

A liver transplant may be your sole choice for treatment if cirrhosis worsens and your liver is badly damaged. This big procedure entails taking your damaged liver and replacing it with a donated liver that is healthy. For a suitable liver transplant to become available, you’ll likely have to wait a while. If you continue to drink alcohol despite having cirrhosis brought on by alcohol-related liver disease, you will not be eligible for a liver transplant.

Jeremiah Carter